“Radiance in Motion,” Deon Nielsen Price., pianist/composer. Splendid recordings of trio for 2 pianos and violin, ancient and modern love songs, spiritual songs including David’s Psalm 139, carols for guitar duo, riveting and lamenting remembrance of the 1965 Watts Riots in Los Angeles for saxophones and piano, early scores lost in a fire that resurfaced in private libraries, re-release of archival trio recording, rare contrabass clarinet… All in all–thrilling!
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“New Friends/Old Friends,” Deon Nielsen Price, pianist/composer, includes: Story ballet Toads and Diamonds, with favorite encores by Chopin and Debussy.
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“Oneness” includes: Violin Concerto for Oneness, Angel Trio, Stile Antico, Three Faces of Kim featuring violinists Amanda Lo, Limor Toren Immerman, and Ayke Agus; the Metro Chamber Orchesta; and the Glendale Philharmonic Trio.
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